Briefly Explain about Pointers? How to Access the Address of a Variable? How to Declare, Initialise & Accessing a Pointer Variable?
The computer’s memory is a sequential collection of storage cells. Each cell,
commonly known as a byte, has a no called add.associated with it. Every byte
has a unique address number.
the addes are numbered consecutively starting from 0. The last add depends on
the memory size.
when ever we declare a variable the
system allocates, somewhere in the memory, an appropriate location to hold the
value of the variable.
int qty= 179;
Represetation of a variable.
We may have access to the value 179 by
using either the name qty or the address 5000.
Since memory addresses are
simply numbers they can be assigned to some variables, that can be stored in
memory, like any other variable.
Such variables that hold memory addresses
are called pointer variables.
A pointer variable is , there four nothing but a variable that contains
an address, which is a location of another variable in memory. If we assign the
address of qty to a variable.
Since the value of variable P is the
address of variable qty, We may access the value of qty by using of p and, there four we say that the variable P points to
the variable qty.
Accessing the add of the variables:
actual location of a variable in the memory is system dependent. The operator
& immediately preceding a variable returns the address of the variable
associated with it.
Ex:– P=&qty;
Would assign the add 5000 to the variable P. The &
operator can be remembered as ‘address of'.The & operator can be used only with a simple
variable or an array etc.
int x;char a;
printf(“%c is stored at address %u\n”,a,&a);
printf(“%d is stored at address%u\n”,x,&x);
Declaring pointer variables:–
In c, every variable must be declared for its type. Since
pointer variables contain addresss that belong to a separate data type, they must
be declared as pointers before we use them.
datatype * pointername;
This tells the complier 3 things about the variable
pointer name.
1. The asterisk(*) tells that the variable pointername is a
pointer variable.
2. pointer name needs a memory location.
3. pointer name points to a variable of type datatype.
int *P;
Declares the variable P as a pointer variable that points
to a integer data;
float *x;
Declares x as a pointers to a floating point variable.
Initialization of Pointers variables:–
The process of assigning the address of a
variable to a pointer variable is known as initialization.
Once a pointer variable has been
declared we can use the assignment operator to initialize the variable.
int qty;
int *P; //declaration
P=&qty; //initialization.
We can also combine the initialization
with the declaration. i.,e,
int *p=&qty; is allowed.
The only requirement here is that the
variable qty must be declared before the initialization.
We must ensure that the pointer
variables always point to the corresponding type of data.
If is also possible to combine the
declaration of data variable, the declaration of pointer variable, & the
initialization of the pointer variable in one step.
int x, *P=&x;
Accessing a variable through its pointer:–
Once a pointer has been assigned the
add; of a variable, we can access the value of the variable using a array
operator *
(asterisk), usually known as the indirection operator.
Another name for the in director
operator is the dereferencing iperator .
int qty, *p, n;
The first line declares qty & n as
integers variables & P as a pointing to an integer.
The second line assigns the value 179
to qty & the 3rd line assigns the address of qty to the pointer
variable P.
The 4th line contain the
indirection operator *
is placed before a pointer variable in an expression.
pointer returns the value of the variable of which the pointer value is the
In the case * P returns the value of the variable
qty, because P is the address of qty.
The * can be remembered as value at address.
Ex:– two statements
P = & qty; n=*p;
are equal to
n=*&qty; (or) n=qty;
int x, y;
int *ptr;
x=10; ptr=&x;
printf(“the value of x is %d”,x);
printf(%d is stored of add %u \n”, x, &x);
printf(%d is stored of add %u \n”, *&x, &x);
printf(%d is stored of add %u \n”, *ptr,, ptr);
printf(%d is stored of add %u \n”, y, &y);
printf(“now x=%d\n”,x);
Out Put:
value of x is 10
10 is stored at add 4104.
10 is stored at add 4104.
10 is stored at add 4106.
4/04 is stored at add 4106
10 is stored at add 4108
Now x = 25