Different Parts Of Power Point Window?

The power point window has tool bars and helps you quickly create presentations. Most of 
the toolbars are common in office applications but many features unique to power point.

powerpoint window

Title bar:- It displays the document name followed by a programme name.

Menu bar:- Menu bar contains a list of options to manage and customize presentations.

Standard tool bar:-It contains short cut buttons used for the most popular commands.

Formatting tool bar: -It contains buttons used for formatting.

Status bar:- It displays position of a slide in power point.

Drawing tool bar:- It contains tools for drawing lines, shapes and objects.

Task Plane:It is located on the right side of the computer screen. This plane allows you to select tasks in different categories and allows you to quickly exchange your slide in a few steps it provides quick access to the most common options and features in power point.

Outline and slides tapped pane: -Allows the user to easily view the presentation in out line format as well as a list of all the slides in the presentation. 


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