Explain about HTML Font’s

Font’s play a very important role in making website more uses friendly and increase content readability.

You can use html < font > tag to add style, size & colour to text on your website.
You can use the < base font > tag to set all of your text to the same size. Face and colour.

The font tag having three attributes called size, colour & face to customize your fonts.
You can change one or all of the font attributes within one font tag.

Set font size: you can set content font size using < size > attribute. The range of accepted values is from 1(smallest) to 7(largest). The default size of the font is 3.

< html >
< head >
   < title > font size < /title>
< /head >
  < body >
     < font size = “ 1 “ > RAMU < /font >
     < font size = “ 2 “> ANJALI < /font >
     < font size = “ 3 “ > RAHUL < /font >
     < font size = “ 4 “ > SRIRAM < /font >
     < font size = “ 5 “ > PRASAD < /font >
     < font size = “  6 “ > SAI < /font >
     < font size = “ 7 “>CHANDRA < /font >
   < /body >
< /html >


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