Explain about HYPER LINKS
power and flexibility of HTML comes from the simple method it uses to link
documents together.
link is a link that allows you to navigate from one document to another
document quickly. Hyper link is highlighted (underlined) and displaying the
link in blue color text and changes to ‘hand’ symbol when mouse pointer moves
over it.
HTML page hyper links are represented with text (or) images that always refer
HTML documents.
single tag is used for all types of link i.e, anchor tag ( < a >). The
link tag has three sections.
® Address of the reference document
® Piece of text display as the link
® Closing tag
< a > Anchor Tag:
provide link to HTML document. We are using (< a >) anchor tag.
< a href = “ absolute/ Relative path” > fruits < /a>
href attribute: It is used to specify the address (or) URL (uniform
resource locator) of the existing document. Which other internet site. The
content in between < a> tags is represented as hyper link .
< a href = “ URL” > content </a >
To link documents within the same website.
< a href = “ fruits html “ > fruits </a>
To link another page in different directory.
< a href = “http: // www. Gmail.com” > Gmail </a>
used to open gmail home page.
< a href = “Pic. Html” > < img src = “C: \work\nature.Jpg” height = “5%” width = “5%” > </a>.
< title >
Hyper links
< /title >
</head >
< body bgcolour = “Purple” >
< h1 > Anchor tag </h1 >
< a href = “ fruits.html” > fruits < /a >
< a href = “ vegetables.html “ > Vegetables < /a >
< a href = “ picture.html “ > Image < /a >
< /body >
< / html >