Explain Colors and Images


Color is essential to the web experience. It means pages alive colours can be used in a number of places on a web page. The background can be coloured, individual elements can be altered and links which are already coloured an have their colour adjusted. To change the colours of link (or) the page background, hexa decimal values are placed in the < body > tag.

< body bgcolour = “#ssssss” text = “#ssssss” link =”#ssssss” >

The colour of page elements can be altered by using the colour modifies for example to change the colour of an individual heading you could use.

< h2 colour = “# ababab” > My heading </h2 > and 

within, a table, the table heading could be coloured by

< th bg colour = “# ababab” >


Images are the second aspect of a web experience, browsers display a limited range of image types. You can only guarantee that ‘.gif’ and ‘.Jpg’ will be displayed everywhere, although more browsers are now able to display ‘.png’ format.

If you want high quality, good compression and lots of colurs use ‘gpg’ for instance when displaying photographs.

            < body background = “URL” > -------</body>.

Sets the background of web page to use the given image.

Images are repeated to fill the available space by default. If you want to use a single image across the width of a page make it 1281 pixels wide then it cannot be repeated horizontally.

< img src = “URL”/name” height = “5%” width = “7%” alt = “ page cannot be displayed” >

The height and width of the image in pixels tell the browser how much space to allocate for the image when displaying in web page.

         < a href = “URL” > text < /a>
         < a href = “URL”> < img src = “file name”> </a>

The first example sued an ordinary hyper text link but the URL should print to the image file giving its name and character.
In the second case we are using an image has the link to other image. This can be useful if you want to display a page of “thumbnail” images and allow the reader to choose which one to view full size.


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