Explain the following terms: (i) Hypertext.(ii) Hyperlink.(iii) Browsing.(iv) Web browser.

Hyper Text:

Hyper text is a method of preparing and publishing text in which users can choose their own paths through the material.


A hyperlink is an underlines or an emphasized word that when clicked with a mouse displays another document. These documents can come from other sites on the Internet. Clicking on these links activities the necessary protocols and pulls up the chosen site.


A collection of documents inter linked by hyperlinks is called a web. A web page is synonymous with the web documents. It is not the same as a page on your screen. It is also defined as a Hyper Text Information System.


The process of navigating among the documents is called browsing. The users need to have client software (web browser) such as Internet Explorer to actually retrieve and browse the information on the WWW. WWW supports many kinds of documents such as text, pictures, video and audio. Sometimes, it is referred to as Net Surfing.

Web browser:

 It is basically, a program that runs on an Internet connected computer and provides access to WWW resources.


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