Explain How To Create, Save, Delete, Copy, Hide, Add, Print The Slides In Power Point?

Definition of power point:-

It is a collection of slides that kept in a single power point file creating slides make the presentation for a better result in the corporate sectors.

Creating slides: -

To create a new slide, start / all programs and activate power point application.
Select a new option form file menu. If can display new presentation dialogue bar on that select blank presentation option and click “OK” button.
˜Automatically it can display a new slide with the new presentation.
˜Enter the text in to the slide and inserting the pictures / graphics possible.

Saving presentation: -

Select the save option from file menu and assign a file name. So that it automatically given an extension .PPT to the file.

Deleting a slide: -

If you want to delete a slide then select and mark the slide to be deleted.
Now either press the delete key from key board or select the delete option from edit menu.
Note: - Delete key only be pressed when you select a slide in a slide sorter view.

Copy a slide:-

Click the slide you want to copy in the pane on the left
Click on the copy button on the standard tool bar (ctrl + c)
Move the arrow pointer to where you want the copied slide to appear
Click the paste button in the standard tool bar (or) right click paste or ctrl + v.

Hide the slide: - 

To hide the slide first select the slide then select the hide option form slide show menu.

Adding new slide to an existing presentation:-

One presentation have 35 slides so that you can add number of slides to existing presentation.
Select a new slide option from insert menu
You can display the auto layout window select any layout and click ‘OK’ button
 After completing the presentation save the file.

Print the slide: - 

Power point provides different options for printing presentations. If you want to print only a single slide you can use file menu and select the print command

If you want to print 4th slide then display 4th slide and click print option from file menu.


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