Explain Some Commonly used String Methods

S2 = S1 . to lowercase:
Converts the string S1 to all lower case.
S2 = S1 to upper case:
Converts the string S1 to all upper
S2 = S1. Replace (‘x’, ‘y’);
Replace all appearances of x with y
S1.equals (S2)
Returns ‘true’ if S1 is equal to S2
S1.length (   )
Gives the length of S1
S1.char at (n)
Gives nth character of S1
S1. concat (S2)
Concatenates S1 and S2
S1.substring (n)
Gives substring starting from nth character
P. testing (  )
Creates a string representation of the object P
S1. Indexof (‘x’)
Gives the position of the first occurance of ‘x’ is the string S1
String.value of (variable)
Converts the parameter value to string representation


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