How to use the web browser to surf websites? (or) What are the various buttons available on tool bar of a browser? Explain.

The tool bar of browser is located under the title bar and contains the following buttons.

Back: A browser normally copies of the pages you have viewed in cache. Suppose you just visited web pages A, B, C, D and E, in that order. At this point – hitting Back button would take you from E to D. Clicking on Back again takes you to C and so on.

Forward: The forward page button allows you to page forward in much the same way that the Back button operates.

Reload: The most current version of a web page can be loaded by clicking on the Reload button.

Home: This button will load the Home page that has been designated.

Print: You can obtain a hard copy of the currently displayed web page by clicking Print button.

Security: The Security button allows you to examine and specify security options.

Stop: The Stop button is used to stop the transform of a web page.


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