Modern Communication Systems?
Communication is the process of
transmitting the information from one person to another. The success of any
person or institution depends of the effective communication. The communication
methods have been classified into two categories.
Individual Communication: - Where two persons intercept like
e-mail, phone conservation, it is called individual communication.
Group Communication: - When we communicate with large number
of persons who feel themselves that they are only talking to another person’s
at the same time. The chatting and teleconference are the examples of modern
group communications.
Tele conference: -
In teleconferencing two or more
persons participate to discuss some issues on telephone. When two or more
numbers want to engage on phone this tele conferencing facility is used. It is
speed, reliable.
Voice Mail: -
While the e-mail sends text, the
voice mail transmits oral communication in computer. Voice mail is a form of
communication in which a person sends the message in oral form. In voice mail,
a special device called CODEC converts analog signals into digital signals and
then these digital signals are again converted into analog signals by the CODEC
at the other end. Just like email we can open voice mail and hear the voice
message. For getting voice mail the sender usually registers his name and
identification to the voice mail service providing organization.
Fax (Fax transmission):-
The fax is one of the popular means
of business communication. It allows the user to transmit the text, graphics
and images directly through telephone lines. It works like a Xerox machine
which gives duplicate copy of the same comes out from another end. The fax
machine is connected to modem. It converts the documents into analog signals
and then into auto digital signals and transmit the message to the receivers
Email: -
Email is the most popular and widely
used communication. Through E-mail you can send the data and information to
others through computer having an internet connection.
The message is stored in the computer
of the receiver, whenever he is free or on online he can open and read the
emails sent by the receiver in order to send messages the users must have an
address and passwords which are freely offered by many free websites.
Video Conferencing: -
A group of people at different places
will interact without being present at the same place through video
conferencing. The people at different places will come into a room where video
cameras are fixed a television link is established among them. The views are
exhibited in the T.V screens and the people can participate actively on seeing
one another on TV not only pictures sound is also transmitted to the other end.
It is easy to use but it needs heavy instrument, computer, video camera etc.
Internet relay Chat: -
It is the process of interactive communication with
many different persons at the same time on computer. The email facility offers
one side communication at one time in order to overcome this limitation we can
have this chatting we can talk to other persons in real time to information
that a person types appear instantly on the screen of another person.