What are IT Enabled Services?

In addition to basis aspects of computers we have some IT related concepts namely BPO, KPO and call centers.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO):-

Business process outstanding sourcing as the name indicates which deals with process BPO provides services to outside companies and get fees for the services rendered by them.

BPO can be divided into two categories:

® Front office and

® Back office

® Front office activities include customer related services like marketing and provide technical      support services.

 ®Back office outstanding includes internal functions like billing, purchasing etc.

The services of BPO include:

® Payroll outsourcing
® Data entry operation
® Accounting
® Provides technical support

Benefits of BPO:-

® Outstanding enable customers to deviate their attention from supplementary tasks attention from supplementary tasks and flows on their four functions. When the tasks are out sources, the company management can flows on the companies four activities and bring better service and products into the market.

® Cost saving is an important consideration in outstanding outsourcing enables the companies reduces their costs on resource management, labor, space etc.

® The customer has to select carefully a vendor that provides quality of source that it requires.

® Outsourcing provides flexibility to the customer he can change the vendor it require, changing the vendor in case of who delivery is much causer than charging a full time employee.

Knowledge Process Outsourcing: -

 Knowledge process outsourcing is an extension of BPO, KPO undertakes high end tasks of outsourcing it is more advanced and expertise than BPO.

KPO is a form of outsourcing in which knowledge related and information related tasks understanding by the employees of different companies. So compared to BPO if need highly skilled people to carry out the tasks.

Services undertaking by KPO


® Production and finance

® Analytical research and development (RD)

® Port folio management of property and partners

® promotional expertise

® Category and brand performance analysis

Compared to BPO, KPO contracts are short but term but demand high quality work.

Benefits of KPO:-

® Valuable cost savings that can be utilized else where

® Standard operation efficiency

® Train professional at work

® Saving in time and management energy for maintaining in home services

® Increase in profits.

Call Centers:-

 Call centers is a centralized office used for the objectives of receiving and transmitting a large volume of requests by telephone. It is normally operating by company regarding the enquires of customers.

Call centers helps in automating operation of in bound and out bound cost between customers and organization call centers provides a host of service that can improve productivity, efficiency and customers satisfaction.

A call center normally operates through its agent keeping a telephone set connected through corporate computer network.

Call center undertake the following service:

® Tele marketing

® Debit collection

® Acquiring


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