What are Wizard in MS office ?

Wizard is a program (or) configuring something. Wizards are computerized assistants which also use templates to create a document wizards asks you certain number of questions in the dialogue boxes and respond according to the design of a acumen the following are the wizards available in MS word.

1. Agenda                 
2. News letters                    
3. Letters                   
4. Fax             
5. Tables etc…

Creating a wizards:

® Select new option from the file menu

® Choose letters and fax tab in the dialogue box to select the letters wizards.

˜ We can see a dialogue box asking

A) Send one letter                            B) Send letter to mailing list

˜It opens a letter wizard, select the letter format to specify the following.

A) Select the data line

B) Choose page design and letter style.

Select the recipient information tab to specify

A) Recipient name                           B) Delivery address

Select the other elements tab it includes

A) Reference line                            B) Mailing instructions                    C) Subject

Now select the sender information tab which consists

A) Sender mail                                             B) Writer address                 C) Remarks

˜ Once completed the wizard queries, click the finish button to complete wizard we can get a wizard basic form fill the information necessary. 


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