What is a Search Engine? Explain its uses.

Search engine is a computer program that does the following:
1.           Allows you to submit a form containing a Query that consists of a word or phrase describing the specific information you are trying to locate on the web.

2.           Searches its database to try to match your query.

3.           Collates and returns a list of clickable URLs containing presentations that match your query; the list is usually ordered, with the better matches appearing at the top.

4.           Permits you to revise and resubmit a query.

To use a search engine, you have to supply a query by entering information into a field on the screen. To be effective, that is, to have the search engine return a small list of URLs on your topic of interest, you often need to be very specific. To pose such queries, you must learn the query syntax of the search engine with which you are working.

Once you learn to use a specific search engine’s query language effectively, you can quickly zoom in on very narrow topics. This is the advantages of a search engine. The disadvantages are that you have to learn the query language and you have to learn the search strategy.

The following is a light of popular search engines.

§  Google               www.google.com
§  Altavista             www.altavista.digital.com
§  Excite                www.excite.com
§  Hotbot               www.hotbot.com
§  Infoseek            www.infoseek.com


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