Write about Spelling and Grammar Checking Option in MS Word ?

1. The reliability of any document it highly effected by the misspelt word and grammatical errors.

2. The usage of wrong words, will cause misunderstanding and confusion

3. The computer will underline mistakes that are improper in spellings. In M.S word we have an option to check for spelling

4. After completing the presentation save the file errors on the document

Choose the spell command from the tools menu.

The spelling and grammar dialogue box will appear

It shows the spelling mistakes one by one in the document and it also give different options in the dialogue box as shown below.

1. Suggestions: - It shows alternative (or ) current words for wrong spell of words.

2. Ignore:- When you click on this option the underline word will be ignored that is the word will not be changed and it remains same.

3. Ignore all :- It ignores all the under line words in the document

4. Change : It changes the wrongly specified words with correct word

5. Change all : It changes all the wrongly specified words with the words of correct spelling words.

6. Add to dictionary : - It add the word to internal dictionaries that is maintain by M.S word

7. Auto correct:- The computer itself rectifies the mistakes, if you type a wrong word once we have inserted the correct spelling of the word in the computer, it automatically correct the word in the document when you type in wrong way.

8. Checking grammar:- To correct the grammatical mistakes we have an option spell and grammar box. Click check grammar which stays besides the spelling and grammar box then it will checks the grammatical errors in your document.


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