A Simple Java program?

class Sample
public static void main (String args[] )
System . out .println (“
java is better than
Class declaration:
The first line
class Sample
- Declaration a class which are an object oriented construct.
- Java is true object oriented language and there fore every thing must be placed in side class
- Class is a keyboard declares that a new class definition follows. Simple is a java identifies that specific the no of the class to be defined.
Opening brace :-
Every class definition
in java beginnings
with an opening brace ( ) and ends
with a matching brace(}), appening in the last line.
The main line :-
The third
public static void
main (String args[])
Defines a method name main. This is similar to the
main function in c
language. Every java
application program must
be include the
main method. This is the starting point for the
interpreter to begin
the execution of
the program. A
java application can have
any number of
classes but only
one of them
must include a
main method, to initiate
the execution.
This line contains
a number of keywords public, static, void
The keyboard public
is an axis specifics that declares the
main method has
un protected and
there fore making
it accessible to all other
Next appears the keyboard
static. Which declares this
method as one
that belongs to
the entire class, and not 4 part of any objects
of the class. The main must
always be declared
as static since the interpreter uses this
method before any objects are
The type modifier
void states that
the main method doesn’t return
any value.
The output line
The only executable
statement in the
above program is
out. println
This is similar
to the printing statement in since java
is a true object oriented
package , every method must be
a part of
an object. the println
method is a member
of the out object, which is a data
member of system
class. This line prints the scan.
Java is better
than C ++
The method print
is always appends
a new line character.
This means any
sub request output will
start on a new