Arithametic Expressions
An arithmetic
expression is a
combination of variables, constants and
operators arranged as
per the syntax of the language.
Java can
handle any complex
mathematical expressions.
Eg : 3x2+2x+1
Evaluation of
Expressions :-
Expressions are
valuated using an assignment
statement of the form:
Variable =Expression;
Variable is any
valid java variable name. when the statement is
encounted the expression is
evaluated first and
the result then replaces the previous value of
the variable on the
left hand side.
All variables used
in the expression must be assigned values
before evaluations is attempted.
Eg: Z=a-b / c+d;
The variables
a,b,c & d must be
defined before they
are used in
the expression.
Precedence of
arithmetic operators :-
An arithmetic expression with out
any parenthesis will be evaluated from left
to right using
the Rules of precedence
of operators.
There are two district priority
levels of arithmetic
operators in java
High priority :- * / %
Low :- + -
The basic evaluation procedure
includes two left
to right passes
through the expression.
During the
first pass the
high priority operators are applied
as they are encountered.
the second pass
the low priority operators are
applied as they are encountered.
Consider the
following evaluation statement.
Ex:– x = a–b/3+c*2–1
When a = 9, b =12 &c =
3, the statement becomes
and is evaluated as
First pass:
Step1: x = 9–4+3*2–1
Step2:x = 9–4+6–1
Second pass:
Step3: x = 5+6–1
Step4: x = 11–1
Step5:x = 10