Explain about Java Script? Mention Benefits and Problems with Java Script?

Java script is a scripting language used to produce dynamic web pages. HTML language which is called as web designing language produces static web pages.

Static web page is a web page that is loaded into browser when HTML program is executed. Once webpage is loaded into web browser it displays the content with specific format and appearance.  These contents cannot be changed, their format and appearance when they are displayed inside the web browser.

To change the content and format of it we have to modify source HTML program and re execute the program again. This is called the static web page.

When Java script program is executed the web page is loaded into web browser and display some content with certain format and appearance. The contents and their appearance is changed within the web browser because of some time events that occur in web browser. This is called dynamic web page.

Dynamic web page is a combination of content formatted using html, css, discripting language and DOM(Document object model).

Benefits of Java Script:

Java script is a client slide scripting language.

Java script provides dynamic and interactive web pages.

Java script uses html tags for web designing and programming facilities to produce     dynamic web page contents.

Java script is supported by all web browsers.

Java script is secure, when these programs are distributed in network.

Java script can neither read from your local hard drive get a virus injection directly    from java script.

Java script supports animation without plugins to use your script.

We know that in case of html program there is no need of compilation to run the program.

If java script code is written, it requires compilation for execution here compilation is called interpretation.

Java script can view interesting animations without the long downloading times associated with many multimedia data types.

It gives easy access to the document object and can manipulate most of them.

Problems with Java Script:

If your script doesn’t work then your page is useless.

Script can run slowly and complex scripts can take long time to start.

The key points that you need to apply in all scripts:-

Java script programs contain variables, objects and functions.

Each line of code is terminated by a ‘;’.

We can place script tag in either in head or body section.

Blocks of code must be surrounded by a pair of curly braces.

The block of code is set of instructions that are to be executed.

Functions have parameters which are passed through inside parenthesis().

Variables are declared using the key word “var”.

Scripts require neither a main function nor an exit condition.

These are main differences between scripts and programming languages.

Execution of a script starts with the first line of the code and run until there is no more code.

Structure of Java script program:


1)   < html>
         < head>
              < title > java script </title>
                < script language = “ Java script”>
                     - - - - - - - - - -
                     - - - - - - - - - -
               </head >
             - - - - - -
             - - - - - -
            </body >

2) < html >
       < head >
            < title > Java script </title>
        < /head>
          < body>
            < script language  = “ Java script”>
            - - - - - - -
            - - - - - - -

            <title> Java script </title>
            <script language = “ java script”>
        document. write undefined“ <h1 > This is my first java script program    lt;/h1>”);
                - - - - - - -
                - - - - - - -


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