Explain Classification of Java Variables (or) What is Scope of a Variable

Scope of the variable:-
The area of program from where the variable
can be accessed is known as scope of the variable.
Java allows variables to be declared
with in any block. A block defines a scope.Java
variables one actually classified in to three types.
Instance variables
Class variables
Local variables
Instance variable
Instance variables are declared inside
the class. Instance variables are created when the objects
one instantiated and there fore they are an
located with the objects. They take different
values for each object.
Class variables:-
variables are declared inside the class. Class variables are
global to a class and belong to the entire set of objects that class creates.
Only one memory location are created for each class variable.
The variables declared as static are called
class variables.
Local variables :-
Variables declared and used inside methods one
called local variables. Local variables can also be
declared inside program blocks that are
defined between an opening brace({) & closing
brace (}). These variable are visible to the program only from the
beginning of its program block, to the end of the program block.
When the program control leaves a block all the
variable in the block will be