Explain Data Types in Java?

Every variable
in java has a
data type. Data type specify the size of the memory occupied and
type of values
and that can be
stored in a variable.
Java language
is rich in the data type.
Consider the bellow figure
is specify the data type
in java under various categories.
Integer types:-
Integer types can hold
numbers such as 123,-95,143, the
size of the values
that can be stored depends
on the integer
data type we choose.
supports four types of integers they are:
Byte, shot, int &
Java doesn’t support
the concept of
oriented types and there fore
all java values one singed means they
can be positive (or) negative.
Size of
integer types.
Byte - 1 byte
Shot - 2 bytes
Int - 4bytes
Long - 8 bytes
Floating point
Floating point type used
to hold numbers correcting fractional
parts. Such as
27.59, 143.143 ,-1.143
There are
two ponds of floating
point storage in java as shown below
The float type
values are single precession numbers and
double type represent double precession numbers
Sizes of float
Float - 4 bytes
Double - 8 bytes
Float pi =3.142
Double distance = 1.9803
Character type :-
order to store character
constants in memory java
provides character data type
called char. The char type
resumed size of
two bytes but basically
it can hold
a single character.
ch= ‘x;
Boolean type :-
type in used when we
want to test
a particular condition during
the execution of the program. They are only two values that a
Boolean type can take true
(or) false.
Boolean type are
denoted by a
keyboard Boolean and
uses only one byte of memory.
Object contain
data & code to
manipulate the data. The
entire set of
data & code
of an object can be mode by
a user defined data type, using the concept of
class. A class
may be a thought of a
data type and object
& variable of
that data type. Once
the class has been defined we can create any number
of object belonging to that
class. Each object
is associated with
the data of type class, with which they
are created. A class
is there a collection of objects
of similar type.
interface in basically
a kind of class. Like classes interfaces contains
methods and variables. But with a refer difference ,
the difference is that interfaces define only abstract methods & final fiels.
There means that
interfaces don’t specify
any code to implement there
methods and datatypes
contain only constants.
An arrays
are a group of contagious (or)
related data items
that share common name.
For eg: we can define an
array name salary to
represent a set of
salaries (or) a group of
A particular value
are indicated by writing a number called index number (or) subscript
in brackets after
the array name.
For eg:-
int salary [10];
Represents the salary of 11th employee
while the complete
set of values
is referred to as an
array, the individual
values are called
elements. Arrays can be of any
variable type.