Explain the Difference Between Tables & Frames

Frames are simple, provide excellent navigation and highly popular. In fact many web surfers hate frame based sites because each frame takes up space on the visitor screen for border and scroll bars, more frames equals less space for information. 

If a visitor selects a link to an external site from one of your frames that site will appear inside your frame. The problem with using a table to provide the structure of the page is that it makes the design of the page much more complex.

Need multiple source files
A single source file.
Code is easy to read and it is clear.
The code can be confusing.
Writing the code is time consuming but not too difficult.
coding for tables can be difficult, the code is not easily maintained.
It is easy to add new pages or new sections to your site
Changing the source of a site involve a major rewrite of the code for the table
Each frame can be scrolled independently
We you have to scroll the hole page to move around.
The screen can look clustered.
A very clean look.

Example Using tables:-

<title> Sasi Educational  Institutes < /title>
< /head>
<body bgcolor = “#ffffff”>
<td cclspan = 8 align = “centre”>
<img src = “Sasi.jpg”/>
< /td>
< /tr>
<td width = “20%”>
<h2 align = “centre”> links < /h2>
<hr width = “50%”>
<img src = “bullet.jpg”> degree
<br> <img src = “bullet. Jpg”> Inter
<br> <img src = “bullet.jpg”> school
< /h3>
<td width = “70%”>
<h1> sasi degree college < /h1>
<h2> about sasi < /h2>
<p> - - - - - - - - -
       - - - - - - - - - </p>
<h3> degree < /h­3>
<p align = “centre”>
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - < /p>
<hr width = “50%”>
< /td>
< /tr>
< /table>
< /body>
< /html>
Out Put Screen
tables vs frames

Example Using frames:-

<framest rows = “25%, 75%”>
<frame name = “TOP” src = “logo.html” scrolling = “no”>
<frameset cols = “15%, 75%”>
<frame name = “A” src = “links. Html” scrolling = “no”>
<frame name = “B” src = “details. Html”>
< /frameset>
< /frameset>

logo. Html

<img src = “logo.gif”>

Links. Html

<h2 align = “centre” > sasi < /h2>
<h1 width = “50%”>
<br> <img src = “bullet. Gif”> Degree
<br > <img src = “bullet. Gif”> Inter
<br> <img src = “bullet. Gif”> School.
< /h3> 
< /body>
< /html>

Details. Html

<h1 > Sasi Educational Institutions < /h1>
<h2>  About sasi < /h2>
<p> - - - - - -
       - - - - - - < /p>
<h3 > Degree < /h3>
<p> - - - - - - -
       - - - - - - -< /p>
<hr width = “50%”>
 < /body> 


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