Explain Document object Model (DOM)

Dynamic web – pages are a
combination of three things:
1) Formatted page content
scripts embedded With in the page.
An interface which lets scripts operate on
the elements within the document.
API (application programming Interface
) provided by the web browser itself.
API is set of books in to a library
of routines which developers can use from within their own programs.
There are API’s for all sorts of
The developer simply uses the
Function which the library provides so
that , each programmer can draw buttons or minus , in the same way.
HTML and XML documents are made of
objects such as headings or paragraphs which we want to be able to manipulate
in our Programms
DOM is an API for HTML & XML documents.
DOM make everything on the page into
an object.
It provides a mechanism through
which those elements can be manipulated by programmed scripts
The DOM does not specify any event
According to the W3c Website event handling may appear in a
feature version of the DOM.
The logical structure of documents
formatted with Html , how those documents can be accesses & how they can
be manipulated.
Because of the DOM, developers can
create documents manipulate their structure and Modify , delete or add
element within them.
In reality DOM is implemented by the
browser manufactures and as an applications developer you can only access
those parts of the API which they provide.
JavaScript which runs really well in
Netscape but does nothing useful in Internet Explorer or Opera or some other
DOM is implemented by Microsoft
& extended to include lots of IE-specific functionality.
DOM describes some of the API as
defined by w3c and Internet Explorer.
DOM model of an html document is
Hierarchical structure which might reasonably be represented as a tree.
The relationship between some html code and the DOM is
<title>something< /title>
< /head>
< body>
<p> some text< /p>
<li>first< /li>
<li>second< /li>
< /body>
< /html>
The Dom models, does not implement.
1) The objects that comprise a
2) The Semantics , Behaviour and
attributes of these objects.
3) The relationship b/w those
DOM is now central to the
development of DHTML.
Its development was actually
processed by DHTML.