Explain how to access your ISP (Internet service provider)

Most web developers have to use an internet service provider. ISP’s have all of the technical know-how and security expertise that you need.

Software:-  When you sign up with an ISP they may provide you with the software to manage your site. Basically you need two things.

         FTP program
         Tell net program.

FTP and Tell net are usually available from the command line of your operating system. These are user friendly.

FTP:- It stands for ‘file transfer protocol’. As the name suggests it is used to transfer file from one place to another. FTP is used to download applications (or) data form servers on through your local drive (or) to upload on to a remote server.

Command line:- Using FTP from the command line is not difficult but it can be time consuming. Graphical utilities allow you to drive and drop groups of files. Command line FTP means ‘moving one file at a time’. The command line approach is more efficient if you want to move a couple of files.

Tellnet:- Tell net is a way of opening a shell on a remote machine. It is usually done from command line. It is useful if you want to access files, create directory structure, change permissions (or) perform simple edits which doesnot require a download of a complete file.

Tellnet server address at the command prompt:



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