Explain Multimedia Objects?

One of the biggest attractions of the web must be the amount of multimedia data that can be presented from within simple text documents. On the web it is generally used to insert sound and image data and also define any data which is not plane text (or) simple images. This is possible with java script roll over buttons. It you want to include external objects in your website you have a couple of choice.

Images can simply insert in the text using <img> tag.

Some data types for instance MIDI sound (musical instrument digital interface) core MPEG movies also inserted.

Typically website developers have include complex data items as hyperlinks. This may involve running an application outside the browser using players for streamed data in real audio and real video format. Other applications may be opened embedded inside the browser. Eg:- Microsoft’s power point presentation application opened inside internet explorer and view lecturers.

Including objects:-

 HTML-4 has an objects tag which is used to embed multimedia objects directly in to the web page.

The image tag will be fully replaced by < object> tag. As

< object classid = “URL”] height = “n” width = “n”> …………… < /object>

Each object requires a classed which identities the “URL” of the object.
The “code base” parameter is optical. It identities the directory which contains the object. But it it is not supplied the full URL can be placed in the “class id parameter.
If “classid” only the file name the object is assumed to be in the same directory as the < html> page.

The “type” parameter is used to specify the “MIME” (multipurpose internet mail extension) type of the object.

Most objects must have their height and width defined so that the browser can allocate screen space to them.

< param name = “string” value = “string” type = [“ref”/ “object”/”data”] >

Each parameter needs a name which corresponds to the ‘name’ that the object expects to receive.

The value parameter specifies the value that will be passed in to the object.
< value> tag is used to tell the browser the format of each parameter.


Before HTML- 4 java applets had to be treated separately via the < applets > tag. But present java applets are also included using ‘object’.

Object supports all non native data and hence presents the possibility that in future applets written in languages such as VB (visual basic), java script or even C++.

< applet code = “ class file “ [name = “string”] width = “n” height = “n” [code base = “URL”] >

The browser needs to understand a number of things about the java applet before it can be run.

First it needs to know where to get the file from this information is optionally supplied by the ‘code base’ parameter.

If no codebase is given the applet is assumed to come from the same directory.

Java applets are compiled into an interpretable form called ‘class file’.The browser needs to know how much space it should allocate to the interface of the applet. This is done by the ‘height’ & ‘width’ parameters.

Running the applet using < applet > tag:

< html >
< head >
   < title > A simple applet </title >
< /head >
     < body >
            < p > Here is a simple applet </p>
            < p align = “ centre” >
            < applet code = “ SimpleAwtApplet.class” Height = “ 250 “  width = “ 50 “ >
            < /applet >
            < /p>
     < /body >
< /html >

Running the applet using < object > code:

< html >
< head >
   < title >  A simple applet </title >
< /head >
   < body >
   < p> Here is simple applet  using object code < /p >
   < p align = “ center “ >
   < object code = “SimpleAwtApplet.class” height = “ 250” width = “ 50 “ >
   < /object >
   < /p>
  < /body >
< /html >


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