Explain an Organisation of an Office ?

In Any organization a set of tasks are performed
by the employees and the management concerned with in the organization. The
organization of an office is managed by an hierarchical manner in which the work process varies from
individuals , thus the number of transactions are performed daily. The employees are
responsible for the functional areas divided in to groups.
In such an
environment documents related to customer transactions flow from one functional
area to another occurs the complex process & divided in to simple tasks
that can be performed quickly & efficiently. Therefore , the employees are
assigned tasks which are routine and repetitive manner. The technique of
rationalizing the work process helps to increase efficiency.
Nature of an
office work :
the office work involves a lot of
paper work in general and every document had to be informed for future use. The
employees maintain files, folders and desk cabins that contain lot of documents and the files lying on the table.
The employees in an office spend lot of effort and
time in arranging , moving files and clearing off desks.
For eg ;
furniture or equipment that was no longer
required was to be disposed.
every item & file should be kept in an
appropriate place.
label markers should be used to label shelves, bines &drawers.
Employees Should Clean Their Desks And Keep Only Those Things Required For Daily
when a
project is completed , the documents & file must be stored at a separate
place for future reference , if any
therefore, it was a comber some process before the advent of digital
computers automated. It means before the introduction of an office automation
system, thing were really in disorder.
automation :
It refers automating information or
procedures. It is mainly employed for efficient storage , transmission &
management of information with the help
of computer by using both hardware &A software . The computer
machinery & software required for
digitally creating , storing , manipulating transmitting information needed for
accomplishing official tasks.
The organization are using modern technologies
to enhance productivity by eliminating redundancies, implementing the
procedures information flows accurately. There by facilitating efficient &
effective communication within and out side of the organization.
Need for
office automation :
Data processing (editing ),
typing , printing , sending information
etc. is done much faster by using computers. The office automaton ,
therefore refers to the process of automating on office tasks that were usually
performed manually are converted into computer system.
The Benefits Are :
Enhance productivity of
Optimizes performance
Less office space
Wess/ limited manual labour
Fast , efficient &
effective access of data
Reduces the cost and time
to send & receive messages
Enhances accuracy
Improves communication
within &out side of the organization.
Document preparation :
For data creation and storage,
a computer system is required since it can store lot of information , process and retrieve any
information any time.
For data management various
software tools are helpful such as word processor , Ms excel , Ms Access(Ms
office) needed to organize and maintain data.
Data exchange with the help of
electronic transfer is essential such as fax , phone , automated answer
machines etc.
The document preparation is an important fundamental
activity in any business that consists all of the above activities. Office
automation system employees equipment live in the
Fax machine
Printer, scanner
Provision of internet facility
can be electronical transferred by using fax machine , Emails so that an
electronic system not only reduces cost but also reduces time to transfer
information from one place to another. The user can send and receive documents,
even images over telephone lines by electronic system.