Explain properties and values in style.

A number of properties of text can be altered. The best way of discovering how styles work. Is to play around with some of there properties.

1. Fonts
2. Background & colors
3. Text
4. Boxes
5. Lengths

1.Fonts: Fonts are identified by giving the name of the specific font.

Syntax: font-family < family name > [< generic font >]

There are 5 Generic fonts are specified
     1. Serif ( Time)
     2. Sanserif (arial)
     3. Cursiev
     4. Fantacy
     5. Mono spaced (courier)

Font names which include white spaces should be placed in quotes (“  “).

Eg: font-family = “ Book Man old style”.

 font – style : Normal/Italic/oblique.

font–weight: Normal/Bold/Bolder/lighter –Relative weights 
                      100/200/300/400 – Absolute weights.

The weight of any font can be altered. The first 4 options are relative while the numbered values give absolute weights.

Font size: Small/medium/large/length/ < percentage> absolute size includes small large. Font lengths should be given in appropriate units such as points (pt).

2.Background and colors : color of any attribute can be changed. Values should be given as hexadecimal values.

Syntax: (a) color : <value>
              Eg: color : “white”

               (b) background  - color: <value>
              Eg: background – clour: “blue”.

               (c) background – image: <URL>
              Eg: background-image:<c\:..pic.jpg>

3. Text: Any piece of text can be decorated.

Text- decoration: <None/underline/overlie/line through>

Text-transformation: <None/captalise/uppercase/lowercase>

Text-align: <left/right/center/justify>

4. Boxes: Many items can be enclosed in the boxes.

Border width: < thin/thick/medium/length{1, 4}>

Margin: <length/percentage/auto <{1,4}>

You can specify 1, 2, 3, 4 margin values: If you specify 4 they are applied in the order top, right bottom and left.

Border-color: <value {1, 4}>

Border-Style:  <None/dotted/dashed/doubled/groove/solid>

Width: < length/percentage/auto>

height: <length/auto>

5.Units and URL’s:

Length: lengths can be either relative (or) absolute. A relative length can be + ve or – ve. Which is indicated by preceeding the value with an optional ‘+; (or) ‘–‘.

Relative units:

1.Em: The height of the font for this element.

2.Ex: The height of the letter ‘x’ in the current font.

3.Px: Pixels.

Absolute units:

IN: Size in inches.

CM: Size in centimeters.

MM : Size in millimeters.

Pt: Size in points, where 1 pt = 1/72 inches.

PC: Picas, wher 1 pc = 12 pt.

URL’s: URL’s can be used in style sheets just as they can in html documents.


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