Explain Web Browser and Web Server.

Web Browser:- 

Web browser is a between program to run or surf internet. The web browser is used to view the html files. A web browser is a between which provides a window in which we can execute a web program. When a web program is executed a web page is displayed inside web browser window. Most browsers are free (or) available as share ware.

 Eg:– Netscape navigator, internet explorer, opera, hot java.

There are numerous web browser available. The market for web browser is dominated by two companies.

1. Netscape             
 2. Microsoft.

The very first web browser that entered in to the market was “Mozaic”. The most popular browser web browsers used in India.

Internet Explorer.

Google chrome.

Mozilla firefox.

Some people uses browses called “Linex” which is totally next based and will not display images.

Navigator & Explorer go beyond simple web browses both include fully functional e–mail clients and use–net news readers.

Browses are becoming very powerful pieces of software. Internet Explorer is now regarded by Microsoft as an integral part of its desktop operating systems.

Choosing a Browser:–

Then choice of which browser you use may depend upon a number of factors:

Does the browser run on my operating system.

Does the browser support the use of css.

Does the browser support the use of plugins for most popular web data types.

does the browsers support java applets.

How large is the download can you get the software from the CD.

How much hard disk space will the installed browser needs.

How much memory will the browser needs.

Manufacture regularly update the product.

 Web browser can be used during the development process to preview web pages.

Web Servers :- 

A web serves can be any computer  which  stores various web  pages and contains the web server soft ware. The web pages in the server  are mostly html documents. The web client  makes  a request  to the web server. The web server  s/w running on server  accepts this  requests, makes a search   and  return the  result back to the web client. Most  of the  popular  web server’s are  freely   available.

Different  Web  Servers:-

1.Apache  Tomcat :- The  standard web  server  is  ‘ apache’  which  is used  by 50% of  all web  provides  and  which  is  available  for most varieties of UNIX  and  for  window 32 system.

2. Personal  web  server (PWS):- provided by  Microsoft   and works   on  windows  operating system.

3.Internet  Information  server (IIS):- This  is a   product of Microsoft  and runs on windows (or) windows 2000 . It  is the most   widely  used  web server. One of the reason   for its  popularity  is that it is easy to set  up.


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