Explain what is an Object and also Explain Java Script Objects.

Java script tries to be an object oriented language.

Object:- Object orientation is one of the most powerful concept. Objects are widely applicable and object based system can be developed using many languages. Traditional languages such as COBAL (or) FORTRAN are not supported objects. An object is a thing it can be anything that you write from some data through a set of methods to an entire system.

Objects are described in software and design constructs called “classes”. A ‘Class’ usually contains some data items and some methods. Each class provide services to other classes in the system.

When a program runs object’s are created. An object is a run time instance of the class. The object has all of the behavior that was defined in the class and is able to perform processing. An objects described by a class. A class usually contains both data items and processing capabilities.

Java script objects:- The built-in java script objects such as ‘document’ and ‘window’ are act and used like standard object oriented objects.

­New:- The keyword ‘new’ is used to create objects. It allocates memory and storage for them. Whenever you define an object you should make sure that all variables are set “string to” “ and numbers to ‘o’ objects can have functions as well as variables.

This:- To differentiate between global variables and those which are part of an object but may have the same name, java script uses ‘this’, separate the variable name from ‘this’ with a ‘dot’.

Dot:- When referring to a property of an object whether a method (or) a variable, a dot is placed between the object name and the property.


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