Method Overloading in Java

In java it  is  possible to create  methods that have  the same but  different  parameter lists  and  different definitions . This is called  method  overloading. Method  overloading in used   when objects  are  required  to  perform similar  tasks  but using  different   parameters. When we  call a method  in  an  object java matches  up the method name first and then the number  and  type of  parameters to decide  which one of the definition to execute. There  process  is known as polymorphism.

method overloading means same name but different signature.


 Add  (int,  int);

 Add (int, float);

 Add (float, float);

 Add(int, int, float);

 Add (int, float, double);

 Add(float, double);

To  create an over  loaded  method all we  have  to  do  is  to  provide  several  different method  definitions  in the  class,  all  with  the  same  name  but  with  different  parameters  lists.  The difference  may either  be  in the number (or) type  of  arguments,  i.e each parameters  list should  be different. note that the methods  return type  doesn’t  play any role  in  this.

class Room
float   length;
float  breadth;
Room(float  x,float  y)
      length =x;
  Room (float x)
int  area( )
return ( lenth  * breadth);

Here  we  are over loading the constrictor  method  Room( ). An object  representing  a  rectangular  room  will be  created  as 

Room  room1 = new room(25.0,16.0); (using constrictor)

On the  other hand  if  the  room is  square, then we may create  the corresponding  object as:
Room    room2= new  room(20.5); .


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