Office Automation

Windows is a GUI concept which is a popular operating system. Windows provides various accessories such as :

1.  Desktop :

opening screen of windows is called desktop. It has several buttons such as start button, task bar Icons, several icons. That represent programs  application  etc. that helps the users to quickly open any application by simple clicking on the icons are small pictorial symbols on the desktop.

2. File – folder : 

file is a collection of data or information. All information is stored in a file by giving a file name and these file are stored or grouped in to a folder. The different types of files are audio files , text files program files, command files, execution files and  so on .. and the extension of the file specified what type of file it is.

word files - . Doc , .Doc x

excel files - .xls

power point - .PPT , .PPTx

axcess - .MDB , .DBx

image files - .JPG , .DMP , .GIF

audio files - .MP3 , .MP4 , .wave

vedio files - .ABI , . Mov , .MPEG ,.movie

executable files - .Exe

command files - .com

system files - .sys

My computer : 

when you click on my computer Icon , windows explorer is opened. Windows explorer is a tool that can be used to managed files and folders in a computer. They are used can create , move, rename , copy, delete the files and also view the properties of file.

Windows Explorer : 

windows explorer is divided in to two pans, left pan & right pan. When windows is open , uses can see all available drives and clicking on. The drive in left pan , that will display all contents in the right side pans.

The user can create folders , Rename a folder and even you can delete a folder.

Creating folder :

1.    Right click on a blank area on the desktop.

2.  A popup menu will be displayed . click on new option.

3.  Click on folder

4.   Type a name of the new folder.

Renaming a folder :

1. Select a folder and right click on it.

2. A popup will be displayed and click on rename option.

3.   Type the new name for the folder .

Deleting a folder:

1. Select the folder and right click on it.

2.  Select delete option some the popup.

3.  To delete a folder, conform yes as your conformation.

My documents (or) documents : 

most files that you create are , by default store in the my document folder you can find my document folder on the desktop in which user can store their files and folders .by double clicking on it , you can view the contents.

Recycle bin :

when a file is deleted, it is usually not permanently deleted from computer. Instead it is move to recycle- bin folder . remember that the only files that deleted from the fixed disks are sent to recycle bins. But the files deleted from removable media such as memory cards ,  pen drives ,  external hard disk are not sent to recycle bin . also the files deleted from with in the windows command prompt are not sent to recycle bin.

Note that :Recycle bin as a limited capacity. Once it is fulled, the files will be automatically deleted to moves space for other files (old files).

To restore a deleted file from the re-cyclic bin to its original location , right click on the file and click restore option in re-cyclic bin to delete all files and folders permanently from the recycle bin, simply click empty recycle bin button at the top of the recycle bin window or alternatively right click and select empty recycle bin option.

Internal explorer :

It is a free, default web browser for all Ms windows . The internal explorer (I.E) allows the user to access web pages on internet.


Write About Programming Languages?

Programming languages : To communicate users languages are used Languages are 2 types 1.      natural language

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