What is a Protocol .Explain IP and TCP ?

Protocol :
A protocol is
a set of rules
which govern how computers can
communicate. (or)
protocol is a
set of rules
to communicate client
is server.
Protocol dictates
the way that
addresses are assigned
to machines, formats
in which can be
sent in one
whole of the
Internet is under
pinned by just two Protocols.
1) Internet protocol
2) Transmission control
protocol (TCP)
world wide web address
a couple more into
the internet
HTTP (Hypertext
transfer protocol)
Common gateway
Interface (CGI)
Ip and
two protocols upon
which the whole
Internet runs are
Internet protocol and
Transmission control protocol.
These protocols
provide all of
the requirements to
transmit is receive
data across complex
Networks are made
of layers with
each layer providing
a different type
of functionality.
Internet protocol:
In the Internet layer
of a sending
machine the data
is split in
to packets which
also contain addressing
information about the
Implementations at the
Internet protocol are
Probably the most
common way to
generating is addressing data
packets have b/w
20 and 60 bytes
of header information and
up to 65,515
bytes of data.
structure of header, which contains
all of the
information that might
be needed to
get a packet
from point A
to point B.
IP packet header
I.P was designed to be used in
military networks which had the ability to survive catastrophic failures of
some nodes.
you built a network in which all data passed through a single point in
, for instance , one point was terminally damaged in some way then your whole
network would be rendered useless.
IP doesn’t work like that.
If some node was destroyed , data
would simply find a way to its destination.
IP as relatively limited
The protocol makes no Guatantee of
Just bacause a packet of data is
sent , there is no reason to except that it will arrive.
Large messages , which means any
over 65,515 bytes , must be sent as a series of packets.
Because these packets may be sent
along different routes they can arrive in a different order from that in
which they were sent.
Transmission control protocol )
If several packets were sent , TCP
must store them as they arrive until the whole data set is stored.
IP gets the data on to and off the
network but on its own it provides no support for all applications.
The data packets are not sequenced.
TCP fills in some of the gaps left
by IP.
A packet sent from a system which
was TCP has another set of headers in addition to the IP-address.
These provide control information
for use by TCP.
The TCP header
When a host receives a data packet
the IP code removes the IP header & passed the packet on to TCP code.
If only one packet was sent the TCP
headers are removed and the packet is passed on to the application.
As each packet is stored, TCP sends
an acknowledgement message back to the sending message back to the sending
machine indicating which packet it now has.
If can acknowledgement is not
received by the server for a specific packet it will transmit that packet
once more.
Large volumes of data can be sent
& their safe arrival is guaranteed.
only happens if machines can identify each other and so send data to the
correct plane. All machines connected to the internet and using IP have a
unique address.
Some machines such as those on
organizational Can’s have fixed address.
The addresses are written in the
Each of the four bytes in the
addressed is represented by an integer in the range 0 to 255.
Server runs a number of Internet
connected applications at the same time.
Each application is assigned a port
Port number is a unique address of
an application given by local o/s.