What is Type casting in Java?

Some times there
are a need to store a value
of one type in to variable of another
type.In such situations we
must casts the value of
to be stored by preceding
is by type name in process ( ).
The syntax is:
Type variable =(type) variable;
The process of converting one
data type to another is
called casting.
int m =50;
byte n=(byte)m;
Casting is
often necessary when a method
returns a type different then the
one we requires.
Four integer
types can be cost to any
other type except boolian.
Casting in to a smaller
type may research in a loss of
data. Similarly the float ( )
double can be cast to any other
type except bullion . casting
a floating point value
to an integer will
research in a loss of the fractional part.
Automatic conversion:-
For some types
it is possible
to assign value of one type
to a variable of different
type with out cast. Java
does the conversion
of the assigned value
automatically. This is known as automatic type conversion. Automatic
type conversion is
possible only if
the definition type has
enough precession to store
the source value.
eg: int
is large enough to hold a
byte values.There
byte b= 75;
int a=b;
Explicit type
conversion :-
The process of
aiming a smaller type to a
larger one is known
as widening (or) promotion, and that of assigning
a larger type
to a smaller one
is known as narrowing.
Note that narrowing may result
in loss of