What is a Variable? How to Declare and Assign Values to Variables?

Variable is a
named memory locations, to store, some
value. The name of
variable can be
chosen by the programmer
in a meaningful way.
The variable
name may consists
of alphabets, digits, underscore
& dollar sign with the
following conditions.
- The variable name
must not begin with
a digit.
- It should n’t be
a keyboard.
- Variable name
shouldn’t allow blank spaces & white space
- Upper can letter &
lower can letters one
- Variable name can be of any length.
Declaration of variables:-
In java variables
are names of
strong locations.After designing
suitable variable names
are must be declared
to the compiler. Declaration tells be
declared to the
compiler. Declaration tells three
Tell the compiler what is the variable name.
It specify what
type of data variable can hold.
The place of
declaration decides the
scope of variable in the program.
Variable must be
defined before it
is used in
the program. The variable
can be used
to store the value of
any data type. The
declaration statement define
the type of
The genaral from of declaring the variable is:
Syntax: data type var1,
Eg:- int a,b,c ;
Variables are
separated by coma’s
the declaration statement must
be end
with a semicolon (;)
Assigning values
to variables :-
variable must be given
a value after it has
been declared but before it
is used in
an expression. It will be
done in two ways:
By using
an assignment statement.
using the Read
Assignment statement:-
method of giving
values to variables
is through assignment
statement as follows.
Syntax: Variablename = value ;
Ex: Count=0 ;
Hight= 6.5;
We can also
assign an expression as
it is
also possible assign value to
variable at the time of its
declaration as follows.
Syntax : datatype
variablename= value;
Ex: int count =0;
float height=6.5;
The process
of giving initial values
to the variables is
known as initialization.
Read statement :-
We may also give
values to variables
intercultural through keyword using
the redLine ( ) method.
The read
line ( ) method (which is invoked
using an object of
the class data
input stream) reads the input
from the keyboard as a
string. Which are then converted to the
corresponds datatype. Using
wrapper classes.
Note that we have used the keywords
(try, catch) to handle any
errors that might occur during the reading process.