Write about Arithmetic Operations on Characters?
C allows us to manipulate characters
the same way we do with numbers .
Whenever a character constant ( or)
character vars is used in an expression it is automatically converted into an integer
value by the system.
write a character in its integer representation, we may write it as :
x = ‘a’;
printf ( “%d \n”, x);
display the number 97 on the screen.
is also possible to perform arithmetic operations on the character constants.
x = 'z’–1;
In ASCII, the value of ‘z’ is 122 and
there four the statement will assign the value 121 to the var x.
may also use character constants in relational expressions.
ch > = “A” && ch < =
Would test whether the character
contained in the var ch is an upper –case letter.
The C library supports a function that
converts a string of digits into their integer values. The function takes the form.
x = atoi ( string);
x is an integer var and string is a
character array containing a string of digits.
Ex: number = “1998”;
year = atoi ( number);
function atoi converts the string “1988” to its numeric equivalent 1988 &
assigns it to the integer variable year.