Write about HTML Frames

The output screen of every html application is nothing but a ‘frame’. The region of browser can be divided into  multiple regions hence. We can refer to them as multiple frames.

Here each independent frame can be displayed an independent HTML file. Hence within a single window we can view various files at a single glance.

Frames can be introduced using a special tag referred as < frameset > tag entire code corresponding using a entire code corresponding to frames is usefully included between < frameset > and </frameset > tag’s.

< Frameset > page contains set of references to html files. Each of which is displayed inside the separate frame.

Syntax: < frameset [cols = “ % % “ ]
              [ rows = “ % % “ ] >
              - - - - - -
              - - - - - -
              < / frameset >

This tag determine how the screen will be divided into various frames we can have as many frames either vertically (or) horizontally as you want. We can also nest < framesets >. Each frame has to be allocated a % of the screen.

Rows attribute: 

it sets number of rows and size of rows in astrike (*) (or) % in row wise.

Syntax: < frameset rows = “ 20 %, 30%, *” >
              - - - - - - -
              - - - - - - -
              < / frameset >

Cols attribute:

It also sets number of columns and size of columns in ashike (*) (or) % in columns wise.

Syntax: < frameset rows = “ 30 %, 40%, *” >
              - - - - - - -
              - - - - - - -
              < / frameset >

<frame> tag:

If converts html document into frame. It is placed in between < frameset > tags.


®name: It specifies meaningful name for the frame.

®src: It represents URL of the document to be displayed as a frame. It is (mandataric) mandatory.


< html >
< head >
   < title > frames  < /title >
< / head >
< frameset cols = “ 20%, 20%, * “>
< frame src = “Fruits html” >
< frame src = “ vegetables. Html “ >
< frame src = “ table. Html “ >
< /frameset >
< /html >


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