Data Back up & Recovery ?

Data back up is not readily available companies face lot of problems.

Data backup & recovery procedures are critical in all data base installations. The DBA also must ensure that the data in the data base can be fully recovered in case of physical data loss. Data loss can be partial (or) total.

1. Periodic data and application back ups : some DBMS’s include tools to ensure backup and recovery of the data in the data base.

Back up types are

  1. Full
  2. Incremental
  3. Concurrent
Full backup: Also known as a data base dump produces a complete copy of the entire data base.

Incremental back up: produces a back up of all data since the last backup date.

Concurrent back up: takes place while the user is working on the data base.

2. Convenient & safe back up storage : there must be multiple backups of same data & backup copy must be stored in a different location.

The storage locations must be properly prepared .

3. Physical protection of both hardware & Software  .

4. Insurance coverage (or) the data in the data base.

5. Data distribution & Use : Data are useful only when they reach the right users in a timely fashions. The DBA is responsible for ensuring that the data are distributed to the right people, at the right time, in the right format. The DBA’s data distribution & use tasks can become very time consuming.

DBA Technical Role

DBA’s technical roles require a broad understanding of DBMS function , configuration, programming languages, data modeling & design methodologies & so on.

DBA’s technical activities are a logical extension of DBA’s managerial activities.

The job of technical DBA is

1. Evaluating, selecting & installing the DBMS & related utilities.

2. Designing & implementing data base & applications.

3. Testing & evaluating data base & applications.

4. Operating DBMS and its applications.

5. Training & supporting users.

6. Maintaining the DBMS , utilities & applications.


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