Difference Between Data Ware Houses and Data Base Management Systems ?

DBMS Data WareHouse 1. Design to support b/s transactional processing. 1. Design to support b/s anal...

Data WareHouse
1. Design to support b/s transactional processing.
1. Design to support b/s analysis processing and decision making process.
2. less security
2. High security
3. volatile data
3. Non– volatile data
4. Current data
4. Historical data
5. Detailed data
5. Summary data
6. less history(3-6 months)
6. More history(20-30years)
7. supports normalization
7. supports de normalization
8. Design for running the B/s
8.Design for analyzing the B/s
9. Design for clerkical access
9. Design for managerial access
10. Defined with more no. of joins
10. Defined with fewer joins
11. Few indexes
11 more indexes
12. E–R modeling
12. Dimensional modeling
13. Not integrated
13. Integrated
14. Subject oriented
14. subject oriented


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Data base administration tools are Data dictionary Case tools(computer aided s/w engineering tools) Data dictionary : data dictionary was defined as DBMS co...

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DBMS operations can be divided in to four main areas. System support Performance monitoring & tuning Back up & recovery Security auditing & moni...

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