Evaluating , Selecting & Installing the DBMS & Utilities?

One of the DBA’s first & most important technical responsibilities is selecting the data base management system, utility software & supporting hardware to be used in organization.

The check list is :

1. DBMS  model : check what data model is company needed.

1. RDBMS                
2. ORDBMS              
3. Data ware house

Choose any one of the data model.

2. DBMS storage  capacity :check what size of the disk you want and give maximum disk & data base size.

3. Application development support :

Used advanced programming languages and advanced application development tools.

4. Security & integrity : check & provide integrity rules & access rights.

5. Concurrency control :check this DBMS support multiple user (or) not

6. Back up & recovery : provide some automated back up & recovery tools check DBMS support and optical disc.

7. Performance : check how many transactions per second does the DBMS support.

8. Hardware : check what hardware does the DBMS require.


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