Explain the Advantages & Disadvantages of Client Server Architecture?

Many data base vendors have used the client – server architecture.

It refers to the way in which computers interact to form a system.
The client /server architecture features are

user of resources (or) a client, and

a provides of a resources or a server.

Client :Interacts with the end user & sends a request to server & take response from the server.

Server : receives, schedules & executes the request & send the data as a response to client.

Advantages :

client / server solutions tend to the less expensive.

client/server architecture  improving functionality & simplicity .

 cost is reduced because to off loading applications at client – side.

Disadvantages :

client/ server architecture creates a more complex environment (LAN os) are often difficult to manage.

security problems can occur.

the burden of training increases the cost of maintaining the environment.


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