Explain Concurrency Control with Locking Methods ?

A lock guarantees exclusive use of
data item to a current transaction.
In other words transaction T2
doesn’t have access to a data item that is currently being used by
transaction T1.
A transaction acquires a
lock prior to data access the lock is released (unlocked ) when the
transaction is completed so that another transaction can lock the data item
for its exclusive use.
granularity :lock
granularity indicated the level of lock use. Locking can take place at the
following levels data base, table, page, row, (or)even attribute(field).
level :
In a data base – level lock, the entire data base is locked, thus preventing
the use of any tables in the data base by transaction T2 while
transaction T1 is executed.
this level of locking is
good for batch process but it is unsuitable for multi-user DBMS.
following figure explains data
base-level-lock, transactions, T1 &T2 cannot access
the same data base concurrently even when they use different tables.
level :
In a table level lock the entire table locked, preventing access to any row
by transaction T2 while transaction T1 is using the
If a transaction requires access to
several tables, each table may be locked.
However two transactions
can access the same data base as long as they access different tables.
table – level locks while
less restrictive than database level locks causes traffic jams when many
transactions are waiting to access the same table.
consequently table level
locks are not suitable for multi user DBMS.
fig. explains
transactions T1 & T2 can not access the same table
even when they try to use different rows T2 must wait until T1
unlocks the table.
level locks :In
a page – level lock the DBMS will lock an entire disk page.
A disk page or page is
equal of a disk block.
A page has fixed size
such as 4k, 5k, or 16k.
A table can spend several
pages and a page can contain several rows of one or more tables.
Page level locks are currently the
most frequently used multi user DBMS locking methods.
level lock :The DBMS allows current transactions to access different rows of the same table
even when the rows are locked on the same page.
Row level locking
improves the availability of data.
level lock :
It allows concurrent transactions to access the same row as long as they
require the use of different fields within that row.
field– level locking are
most flexible for multi user data access.
Types of
locks :
locks :
A binary locks has 2 states.
If an object that is a
data base, table, page or row is locked by a transaction no other transaction
can use that object.
If an object is unlocked
any transaction can lock the object for its use.
Ex of binary lock
Shared /
exclusive locks :
The tables ‘shared’
& exclusive indicate the nature of the lock.
An exclusive lock exists
when access is reserved specifically for the transaction that locked the
Exclusive lock give
permission to read & write operations.
shared lock exists when
concurrent transaction are granted read access on the basis of a common lock.
shared lock means the
concurrent transactions are read only.
shared lock is issued when a transaction wants
to read data from the data base.
exclusive lock is issued when a transaction wants to
Using shared/ exclusive concept a
lock can have 3 states.
shared /exclusive lock
schema increases the lock manager’s overhead for several reasons.
type of lock held must be known before a lock can be granted.
lock operations
Read-lock, write lock,
schema has been enhanced to allow
Lock upgrade(shared to
Lock downgrade(exclusive
to shared)
phase locking :the
two phases are
phase :
In which a transaction acquire all required locks without unlocking any data.
phase :
In which a transaction releases all
locks & can not obtain any new lock.
Two –
phase locking follow the below rules :
Two transactions cannot
have conflicting locks.
No locks operations can
proceed a lock operations.
no data are affected
until all locks are obtained.
locks :
Resource locking gives a new problem dead lock.
when two transaction
wait indefinitely for each other to unlock data.
for ex. When two
transactions T1 & T2 resources R1 &
T1 transaction
lock the resource R1 & wait for the resource R2.
T2 transaction
lock the resource R2 & wait for the resource R1.
T1 does not
release the lock on resource R1 until the resource R2
was unlocked.
T2 does not
release the lock on resource R2 until the resource R1
was unlocked.
So they are in waiting
Dead lock means infinite
locking of two resources.
Three basic techniques to
control dead locks are
1.Dead lock prevention :A transaction requesting a new lock
is aborted when there is possibility that a dead lock can occur.
If the transaction is
aborted, all changes made by this transaction are rolled back & all locks
obtained by the transaction are released.
Dead lock prevention
works because it avoids the conditions that lead to dead locking.
2.Dead lock
detection :
DBMS periodically, tests the data base for dead locks. If a dead lock is
found one of the transaction is aborted & rolled back & restarted
& the other transaction continues.
lock avoidance :
The transaction must obtain all of the locks it needs before it can be
The choice of the best
dead lock control method, to use depends on the data base environment.
For ex : The probability of dead
lock is low ® dead lock detection is recommended.
The probability of dead
lock is high®dead lock prevention is recommended.