Explain Distributed Data Base Design ?

the data base is centralized or distributed the design principals &
concepts like relational data base model, entity relationship modeling &
normalization of data base are still applicable.
Distributed data base design is
based on 3 issues:
Data fragmentation :
data fragmentation allows you to
break a single object in to 2 (or) more segments (or) fragments.
The object may be data base table or
any thing.
Each fragment can be stored at any
site or over a computer network.
Information about the data
fragmentation is stored in the distributed data catalog(DDC).
have 3 types of data fragmentation's.
Horizontal fragmentation :
Refers to the division of relation
in to sub sets of tuples ( rows).
Each fragment has unique rows. The
unique rows all have the same attributes(columns).
Each fragments represents a select
statement, with the where cause on a single attribute.
the above table a company requires information about customers in India, USA
Horizontal fragmentation
of customer table by country :
name : cust–H1 location India
Vertical fragmentation : Division of a relation
in to attribute (columns) subsets.
Each fragment is stored at
different mode
Each fragment has unique columns.
Which is equivalent to the project
From the above table. The vertical
fragmentation as follows:
example the company is divided in to 2– departments like department &
collection department.
Each department has an interest in
only a few attributes in customer table.
name : cust V1
name : cust V2
Mixed fragmentation's :refers to a combination
of horizontal and vertical strategies.
Data replication :
Data replication refers to storage
of data copies at multiple sites served by a computer network.
Fragment copies can be stored at
several sites to serve data availability & response time.
Benefits of data
replication :
Data Allocation :Describe the process of
deciding where to locate data
Data allocation strategies are :
which centralized the data allocation means entire data base is stored at one
& site.
with partitioned data allocation means data base is divided in to two (or)
more disjoint parts & stored at two (or) more sites.
With replicated data allocation means copies.
If one (or) more data base fragments are stored in several sites.
More data allocation
studies focus on which data to locate where.