Explain Distributed Processing and Distributed Data Base ?

Distributed processing : Data base logical processing is shared among two (or) more physically independent sites that are connected through a network.

For example, the data input/ output data selection & data validation  might be performed on one computer & a report based on that data might be created on another computer.

Figure shows distributed processing system. Shares the data base processing among three sites connected through a communication network.

All through the data base resides at only one site, each site can access the data & update the data base.

The database is located on computer (or) network work computer is known as data base server.

distributed database

Distributed data base : Data base is stored is  a logically related data base over two (or ) more physically independent sites.

The sites are connected via a computer network.

Distributed processing system are, database but shares the processing among several parts known as data base fragments.

The data base fragments are located at different sites and can be replicated among various sites.

distributed processing

Distributed processing doesn’t require a distributed data base but

A distributed data base requires distributed processing.


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