Explains Data Base Administration Tools ?

Data base administration tools are
dictionary : data
dictionary was defined as DBMS component that stores the definition of data
characteristics & relation ships.
Data dictionary also called as data
about data are called meta data.
Data dictionaries are two types.
An integrated data dictionary is
included with the DBMS.
Ex: All RDBMSs include a built– in
data dictionary or system catalog that is frequently accessed & updated
by the RDBMS.
Older DBMS do not have a built – in
data dictionary instead they use third – party standalone data dictionary
The data dictionaries can also be
classified In to.
data dictionary :
It automatically updated by DBMS with every data base access.
data dictionary :
It is not updated automatically & usually requires running a batch
The main aim of data dictionary is
to store the description of all objects that interact with the data base.
Data dictionary is the tool that
helps the DBA resolve data conflicts.
Data dictionary typically stores
description of all.
base elements that are defined in all tables of all data bases :
the data dictionary stores the names,
data types, display format, and validation rules & also data dictionary
tell where as element is used by whom it is used & so on..
defined in all data bases :
Data dictionary is used to store the
name of the table creator, the date of creation , access authorization &
number of columns.
data bases:
This includes who created each data base, when the data base was created,
where the data base is located , who the DBA is and so on.
that access the data base :
This includes screen formats, report
formats, application programs & SQL queries.
Data dictionary is used to derive
information sys tables (stores one row for each table ) , sys columns(stores
one row for each column of each table ).
tools (CASE):
A case tool provides an automated
frame work for the system development life cycle (SDLC).
Case uses structured methodologies
& powerful graphical interfaces.
Case tool play an important role in
information system development.
case tools are classified in to
Front –end provide support for
planning analysis & design phases.
Back–end provide support for coding
& implementation phases.
The benefits associated with case
tools include :
1. A reduction in time & cost
2. Automation of the SDLC.
3. Easier maintenance of application
systems developed with case tools.
4. Standardization of system
development methodologies.
One of the case tool component is
data dictionary which stores data flow diagrams, charts & description
about entities.
several case tools provide
interfaces that interact with DBMS.
A case tool provides 5–components.