Introduction to Data Structures

Data structures:

Data  structures are advanced concept to arrays, structures & unions & classes.

Arrays :

1.   Array is a collection of data items of same data type.

2.  Arrays provide static memory allocation i.e memory allocated at compile time only.

3.  Low performance.

4.  Not possible to insert or delete elements at required position.

5.  Memory wastage.

Structures & unions :

1.   These are convenient tool for handling same or different data types.

2.   Structures & unions are also follow static memory management.

3. Structures & unions are difficult to user to write a program that’s why future languages avoid    structures & unions.

4.  Memory wastage & low performance.

 Data Structures :

1.   Data structures are used to store elements of same or different data type.

2.    Data structures provide a logical relationship b/w individual data elements.

3.     High performance.

4.   No memory wastage.

Activities :

1.   Data plumbing

2.  Insertion , deletion at required position.

data structures

data structures1

Linear data structures :

In linear data structure elements are arranged in linear fashion i.e elements in the list follows a particular order. The order may be either ascending or descending order.

Ex : Arrays, structures &unions , classes, stacks, queues, linked lists.

Non Linear data structures : 

In non – linear data structures elements are arranged in non – linear fashion that means elements does not follow any particular order.

Ex : trees , graphs, vectors.

Homogeneous data structures : In this lists all elements are same data type.

Ex : Arrays.

Non homogeneous data structures  : 

In this lists elements are belongs to same or different data types.

Ex : structures & unions.


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