Meaning of CSV, ZIP, EXE, PDF, TXT, PRN, XLS, and HTML ?

These are all acronyms for formats in which eletronic data is stored and shared with our web site users.
  • CSV: comma separated values that can be inserted into an individual's spreadsheet

  • EXE: a compressed file that enables a user the ability to download a large file in a short time, compatible with non-Microsoft products

  • HTML: HyperText Markup Language, HTML defines the structure and layout of a web document.

  • PDF: portable document format files are viewed with Adobe Acrobat or other PDF reader programs

  • PRN: a document with the .PRN filename extension can be changed to different formats, e.g. .doc, .wpd, etc., in order to be printed

  • TXT: text only (no graphics) version of a document

  • XLS: abbreviation for a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

  • ZIP: a compressed file that enables a user the ability to download a large file in a short time, compatible with Microsoft products


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