Operations Performed on Data Structures

1. Creation : create data elements and provide links b/w data elements.

2. Insertion : Inserting a new element into the list. Insertion can be done at 3 places.

     1. Inserting an element at beginning

     2. Inserting an element at ending

     3. Inserting an element at user choice.

3. deletion : Delete existing element from the list. Deletion can take place at 3 places.

      1. Deletion at beginning

      2. Deletion at ending

      3. Deletion at user choice.

4. Traversing : Display or visit all nodes in the lists. Traversing are two types.

       1. Forward traverser

       2. Backward traverse

5. Searching : Searching is used to find an element present in the list or not.    

        Searching are two types.

         1. linear search

         2. Binary search


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