Throwing our Own Exceptions in Java

Throwing our exceptions:

There may be times when we would like to throw our exception we can do this by using the keyword throw as follows.
          Throw new throwable subclass;

Ex :  throw new ArithmeticException ( );

         throw new NumberFormatException ( ) ;

Note that exception is a subclass of throw able and therefore myException is a subclass of throw able class. A object of a class that extends throwable can be thrown and caught.

import java .lang. Exception;
class myException (String message)
 super  (message);

  class testMyException

  public static void main (String args[ ] )
     int x= 5,  y=100;
           float z =(float) x/(float)y ;
           if(z < 0.01)
            throw new myException (“ number is too small) ;
            catch ( myException e)
            System.out.println (“ caught my exception”);
            System.out.println (e. getMessage ( ) );
            System.out.println (“ I am always here”);

The object which contains the error message.“Number is too small” is caught by catch block. which then displays the message using the        getMessage ( ) method.                                                                    


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