Write about Stacks ?

Stack is a linear data structure in which elements inserted in a linear fashion.

Stack is a linear data structure in which elements inserted or deleted at any one end called top.


FILO:(first in last out):

The element entered first into the stack is the element deleted last from the stack.

LIFO(last in first out):

The   element entered last in to the stack is the element deleted first from the stack.

Stack Applications :

    1.    Tower of Hanoi :
tower of henoi

    2.    Evaluation of Postfix Expression :

evaluating expression

5 *(6+2) – (12/4)
Post fix 5,6,2,+,*,12,4,%,-

Stack Operations:

1.            Push

2.            Pop

3.            Visit(or)display

Push : to insert a new element into stack.

Pop :delete a existing element from stack.

Display : to visit the element.

Stack over flow :

 There is no room to insert a new element in to the stack.

 First check for room in stack . while inserting element.

Stack under flow :
There is no element in the stack to delete.

While deleting we must check stack is under flow or not.


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