Write Algorithms for Tree Traversal Techniques

Algorithms for Tree Traversal Techniques:

Algorithm for Preorder :This is recursive process according to this traversal technique 1st visits the root node then visit the left sub tree then it visits the right sub tree. For every child it repeats the same process.

Input  : p -> root

Output : visiting all nodes from begin .

if(p!=null) then
preorder (p. left)
preorder (p.right)
end if

In this traversal it first visits the left sub tree and root and then the right sub tree. This process is repeated by every node.

Algorithm for Inorder :

Input : p -> root

Output :visiting all nodes from begin

if (p! = null) then
inorder (p. left)
inorder (p.right)
end if

Algorithm for Post order :This traversal technique visits all the nodes of binary tree in the following way. It first visits the left sub tree of root node and the right sub tree of the root node and finally the root node . This process is repeated recursively for each and every node in the tree.

Input :p¬->root

Output : visiting all nodes from begin

if(p! =null) then
postorder( p. left)
postorder( p. right)
end if


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