Explain about Thread priority in Java?

In Java, each thread is assigned as priority
which affects the order in which it is schedule for running.
The Threads of the same priority are given
equal treatment by the Java scheduler.
Java permits us to set the priority of a
thread using the setPriority ( )
( int number );
The number is an
integer value to which the threads priority is set. The Thread class defined
several priority constants
The int number
may assume one of these constants or any value between 1 and 10
Default setting is NORM – PRIORITY.
Most user level
processes should be use NORM-PPIORITY, plus or minus 1.
multiple threads are ready for execution the java system chooses the highest
priority thread and executes it. For a thread of lower priority to gain
control, one of the following things should happen:
It stops running at the end of run().
It is made to sleep using sleep().
It is told to wait using wait().
However, if another thread of a higher
priority comes along, the currently running thread will be preempted by the
incoming thread thus forcing the current thread to move to the runnable state.
Remember that the highest priority thread
always preempts any lower priority threads.