Explain about Various Types of Operators in Java?

Java has rich set of operators.

Operators are of any symbol that tells the computer to perform certain mathematical (Or) logical manipulations.

Operators are used in programs to manipulated data is variables. They are classified as

1. Arithmetic operators                   

2. Relational operators                   

3. Logical operators

4. Assignment operators    

5. Increment & decrement operators

6. Conditional operators                

7. Bitwise operators            

8. Special operators

Arithmetic operators :

These can operate on any built-in numeric data type of java but can’t be operated on boolean type. They are :

+ ® Addition (Or) unary plus

® Subtraction (Or) unary minus

* ® Multiplication

/ ® Division

% ® Modular division

These operators are used as a + b, a – b, a * b, a/b, a here a & b are known as operands.


Integer Arithmetic: When both the operands in expression are integers, the expression is called an integer arithmetic expression.

If a = 14, b = 5 then

a + b = 14 + 5 = 19

a – b = 14 – 5 = 9

a * b = 14 * 5 = 70

a / b = 14 / 5 = 2 (decimal part turreted)

a % b = 14 % 5 = 4 (remainder)

for module division, the sign of the result is always the sign of the first operand.

–14 % 3 = – 2

–14 % – 3 = – 2

14 % – 3 = 2

Real Arithmetic: An arithmetic operation involving only real operands is called real arithmetic.

A real operand may assume values either in decimal (or) exponential notation.

Ex : x = 100 / 3.0 = 3.333
       x = – 10.0 / 3.0 = – 3.333         

Mixed mode arithmetic: When one of the operands is real is the other is integer, the expression is called mixed mode arithmetic expression.

15 / 10.0 = 1.5
15 / 10 = 1

Relational Operators :

Comparing two qualities is depending on their relation take certain decisions. These comparisons can be done with the help of relation operator.

Java supports 6 relational operators. They are :

<          ®        less than

>          ®        greater than

< =       ®        is less than or equal to

> =       ®        is greater than or equal to

= =       ®        is equal to

!           ®        is not equal to.

The value of relational expression is either true (Or) false. ‘I' indicates true, ‘0’ indicates false.

Ex : 10 < 20 = True = 1
        10 > 20 = False = 0

Logical operators :

An expression which combines two (or) more relation expressions is termed as logical expression (or) a compound relational expression.They are :

&& ® logica AND

!! ® logical OR
!   ® logical NOT

Assignment Operator : Assignment operators is used to assign the value of an expression to a variable with the operators ‘=’.

Ex : x = 20 ;
        y = a+b;

Increment & Decrement Operators : Java allows two very useful operators. They are increment is decrement operators.

+ + ® Increment operator
– – ® Decrement operator

The operator  + + adds ‘1’ to the operand while -- Subtracts 1.

Pre-increment operators ® + + m Þ m = m + 1 (or) m + = 1

Pre-decrement operator Þ – – m Þ m = m – 1 (or) m – = 1

Post increment operator = m + +

Post decrement operator = m – –

Ex :

class Ss
 public static void main (String args [ ] )
      int a = 10, b = 20, c, d ;
      d = a ++ + ++ a + ++a ;
      System.out.println (“a = “+a) ;
      System.out.println (“d = “ + d);

Conditional Operator : A ternary operator pair ?: is called conditional operator.

Syntax : exp1 ? exp2 : exp3

Where exp1, exp2, exp3 are expressions.

Here exp1, is evaluated first if it is true Then exp2 is evaluated is becomes the value of the expression. If exp1 is false, then exp3 is evaluated is becomes the value of the expression.

Ex : a = 20;
        b = 15;
        x = (a > b) ? a : b;
        x = (20 > 15) ? 20 : 15;
        x = 20

Bitwise Operator : Java supports bitwise operators for manipulation of data at value of bit level.

These operators are used for testing the bits (Or) shifting there to the right (Or) left.

These operators mayn’t be applied to float (or) double They are :

               &      ®        Bitwise AND
                ||      ®        Bitwise OR
                ^      ®        Bitwise exclusive
                ~      ®        One’s complement
              <<      ®        Left shift
              >>      ®        Right shift
               >>>  ®        Shift right with zero fill.

Special Operators : Java supports some special operators such as instance of operator is member select on operator.

InstanceOf Operator : This operators allows us to determine whether the object             belongs to a particular class (or) not.

It returns true if the object on Left hand side is an instance of a class given on Right hand side.

Ex : Person instanceof student ;

Dot Operator : The dot operator (.) is used to access the instance variables is methods of class objects.

person1. age          // Reference to the variable age
person1. Salary()    // Reference to the method salary()

It is used to access classes is sub-packages from  a package.


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